Maryland Traffic Cameras Pro

by Crystal Consulting LLC

Travel & Local

1.99 usd

The latest traffic, weather and travel information for Maryland

NOTE: This app is not affiliated or endorsed by any traffic, travel or weather web site. This app is designed to integrate traffic, travel, transportation and weather. Our goal is to improve your daily commute or even your next trips. Go ahead: there are so many places waiting to be discovered in your state or city.12-12-2015: Happy Holiday with our biggest update.- This app is refreshed with the latest android development tool, android version support and modern look and feel- Update the map framework- Address the usability issue on the map. Now the camera will show up only when you click on a camera. The camera view will disappear once you click on the map.- Fix the travel information pop up in a different window. What is NEW:- Integrate Traffic Map- Integrate Rest Areas- For traffic cameras map view, please purchase the full version or USA version.Please notice: - Samsung S4 with 4.4.2 update is not working. This is an issue related to Samsung 4.2.2 update.- Samsung S5 does not have this problem.For support, send an email to [email protected] or go to Facebook ( app includes the following features:- Camera list based location- Camera map view based upon location and click on the menu to select a different location.- Travel- Weather- Traffic Map and Traffic Cameras Map2013 LISTnet Long Island Software Award WinnerSupport new Android SDK and enable map support

Read trusted reviews from application customers

no video, will not load, please refund money!

Sue Shymansky

no video

Douglas Massey

App worked great for several years, up until 2 weeks ago. Now the Video will not load on any traffic camera.

Bill D

No video

Jose Peralta

Only a 45 second delay. Needs more bells and whistles. Wish this app could be for more States. Other applications have to high of a refresh rate

Bryan Arnold

I could not see the video. It immediately said video error.

Dawn Griffin

Works great had a friend go to a cam area only a 45 second to minute delay in

Jeff Poole